Welcome to the ECG TUTOR by Plexus Software. The COMMENTS type of screen will be used to display information or instructions. You will need to press the ENTER key to continue this session. Notice the flashing message at the bottom of this screen that request you to 'PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE'. The program will always prompt you for the type of action that it is waiting for you to take. Now press the ENTER key to continue. This program will display ECG tracings as either a rhythm strip or as a standard 12 lead ECG. The following screen will demonstrate a rhythm strip. Note that the lead has a label. The following screen will display the calibration lines for time and voltage The next screen will display a 12 lead ECG. Note that only 6 leads are displayed at a time. You must press the "SPACE BAR" to view the other 6 leads. Practice alternating ECG leads on the next screen. Press the ENTER key to continue. The program will ask questions in two forms. Multiple choice questions are ask with four possible answers. True - False questions are ask with two possible answers. Note that each screen has a PAGE number for reference. Multiple choice questions are responded to by pressing the correct numeric key such as " 1 2 3 or 4 ". Please be careful to press the correct key because the computer responds immediately to your choice. True - False questions are responded to by pressing either the "T" key or the "F" key. Again be careful to hit the correct key as the response is immediate. The teacher may set this program to allow immediate grading of your answer or to have correct answers given at the end of the quiz. A formal examination mode may also be used where your answers will be stored to a floppy diskette. Lets demonstrate by having you answer a couple of questions. Answer the following question which will appear on the next screen by pressing the "T" key. Now answer the same question with a false reply by pressing the "F" key. Answer the multiple choice question on the following screen by pressing the "3" key. Notice the immediate CORRECT response that you get. Now answer the question on the next screen again by pressing "1". Notice the immediate ! WRONG ! response along with the display of the correct answer. From a question or comment screen you may always review the previous ECG tracingby pressing the "R" key. Go to the next question and review the previous 12 lead screen by pressing the "R" key. The tutorial sessions will also give specfic comments in response to your answers. Answer the question on the following screen by pressing the "1" key. Now answer the following question with a "4" response and note that a different comment is given. Also note that you may review the previous question from an answer comment screen by pressing the "Q" key. Try this after answering the next question. The program may also display pictures for your analysis. The following screen will display the cornary artery system. To continue follow the prompt to 'PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE'. After finishing a tutorial session you will be shown your score (if your teacher allows this option). Your score for the INTRODUCTION will be shown at the end of this session. If you have a printer connected you may print your score sheet by pressing the "Y" key when requested to do so. You may also review your wrong answers (if the teacher permits) by pressing the "Y" key at the proper prompt. After reviewing your wrong answers this INTRODUCTION will terminate. You may restart the program by typing "ECGT" and pressing the "ENTER" key at the >A prompt. You may choose to do another tutorial session from the menu screen. You will be asked to enter your last name and first name followed by an ID number. You may press enter if no ID number is being used. We believe that you will find the ECG TUTOR an ideal teacher. It has infinite patience and endurance. Good luck !!